How could Facebook ads benefit you and your business?

Bariq Burhan Azmat | 20 October, 2021

            How could Facebook ads benefit you and your business?

Facebook advertising is an effective approach to reach out to your target audience on the world’s largest social media platform. How large is it? There are 2.80 billion monthly active users, to be accurate. That is, without a doubt, an astounding figure. However, Facebook advertising is all about getting your message in front of the right people at the right time. People who are most likely to be interested in your goods or services.

The types of Facebook Ads include:
• Image ads
• Video ads
• Poll ads
• Carousel ads
• Slideshow ads
• Collection ads
• Instant Experience ads
• Lead ads
• Dynamic ads
• Messenger ads
• Stories ads
• Augmented reality ads

If you already have a Facebook business page, you may create your Facebook ad campaign directly in the Facebook Ads Manager or Business Manager. Otherwise, you’ll need to build a business page first.

We’ll follow the steps for Ads Manager in this post.

  1. Choose your objective:
    Choose a campaign aim that corresponds to your ad’s objectives. Keep in mind that you can pay
    per action for conversion-oriented goals (such as purchases), but you will pay for impressions for
    exposure goals (such as traffic and views).
  2. Name your campaign:
    Declare whether your Facebook ad campaign falls into any particular categories, such as credit
    or politics. Then, name your Ad campaign.
  3. Set your budget and schedule:
    To begin, give your ad set a name and decide which Page to promote. The next step is to
    determine how much money you want to invest in your Facebook marketing campaign. Then,
    whether you want to schedule your ad in the future or have it gone up right away, specify the
    start and finish dates.
  4. Target your audience:
    Begin by determining the region, age, gender, and language of your target audience. It’s worth
    noting that you can opt to include or omit cities of a specified size under location. Keep an eye
    on the audience size indicator on the right side of the screen, which indicates the possible reach
    of your ad.
  5. Choose your Facebook ad placements:
    When you choose this option, Facebook will automatically place your ads on Facebook,
    Instagram, Messenger, and the Audience Network during times when they are most likely to be
  6. Create your Ad:
    Choose your ad format first, then fill in the text and media for your ad. The formats offered will
    vary depending on the campaign goal you chose at the start of this procedure. Make sure your ad
    appears excellent for all possible places by using the preview tool on the right side of the page.
    When you’re satisfied with your selections, click the green Publish button to start running your

Join MENTOR PAKISTAN’s course today to get the proper experience regarding Facebook Ads.

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